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Secure Invoice Financing with InvoiceHub

Designed to revolutionise the lending landscape, InvoiceHub is a platform for validating invoice authenticity with a fingerprinting solution, eliminating the risk of fraudulent and multiple financing.

How It Works

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Borrower submits the invoice details to the lender

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Lender registers the details on InvoiceHub

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Invoice is fingerprinted by creating a unique hash

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InvoiceHub records fingerprints for lenders to review and identify duplicates or fraud.




Deduplication based mechanism prevents multiple financing under same collateral


Fast and scalable

The mechanism is based on REST APIs that are asynchronous/webhooks that allow low latency and higher response rates


Secure and private

Invoice information is secured by creating a hash, protecting from theft, loss and unauthorized access



Supports single and bulk invoice submissions

We can innovate more digital transactions

with YOUR help!

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  • Supply chain finance

  • Cash flow based lending

  • Deep tier finance

  • Others, if any

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